blade runner (do androids dream of electric sheep?), total recall (we can remember you wholesale), a scanner darkly and this little beauty are the highlights of sci-fi author philip k. dick's contributions to film. take what's best about sci-fi and crime "whodunits" and what you get is "minority report". this story of a 2050's washington d.c. where crime has been all but eliminated thanks to "pre-cogs" who can see the future before it happens is in the more than capable hands of one steven spielberg, who creates a real vision of our near future, that only seems to be all the more true with every passing year. to me, that is the test of a truly great vision of the future - how much of it stands the test of time, and even seems more real. the computers here, interactive 3D projections - um, did anyone catch last year's presidential election on CNN? the cars, the degenerating society, the personalized advertising (have you been on facebook lately?), the "big brother" feel to everything, it all hits harder now than it did 7 years ago. tom "i'm batshit now" cruise is truly great in this role as a D.C. policeman overseeing the "Pre-cog" crime program who suddenly finds that his name pops up as a future murderer. was he set up? who could have done it, and why? cruise finds himself on the run, unraveling the mystery all the while fleeing the truly long arm of the future state. a truly involving cinematic experience, and one of the decade's true sci-fi gems.
14 Gladiator (2000)

i didn't even realize people didn't like this one until extremely recently. what's not to like? that it takes itself seriously? is that really such a bad thing? just because we as a culture are so postmodern and ironic we can't stand media that's not based on poking fun at something or standing for or in favor of something doesn't mean that anything with a contrarian view is wrong or inferior or somehow worthy of derision. there were simpler times when things truly could be "right" or "wrong" and didn't require debate - some "heroes" of the past were and could be "heroes" like no one alive today could be. i truly think this (along with ben-hur and lawrence of arabia) is one of the greatest films ever made. the scope and ambition of it alone make it worthy of awe and appreciation. people speak as if gladiator didn't deserve to win best picture... what did? chocolat? crouching tiger, hidden shit? erin brockovich? come on. that's silly. i can't even remember any of those films, and i remember gladiator like it was yesterday. for about 4 years of my life, this was the best film i saw in the theater. the direction, cinematography and computer rendering of the glory of ancient rome are all truly terrific. and the cast... in a word, wow. russell crowe at the height of his powers. djimon hounsou and joaquin ("i'm crazy now") phoenix and a host of supporting characters, including oliver reed in his last role, make this a film that is about so much more than the effects and battles. is the story wholly fictional? of course - but it's entirely believable, and features one of the decade's true heroes. i've watched "gladiator" at least 100 times, and it's not out of the question for there to be another 100 viewings left in this one.
13 The Prestige (2006)

Chris Nolan's inter-Batman film, starring Bruce Wayne, Wolverine and Alfred Pennyworth as dueling magicians and a trusty old engineer of tricks in turn-of-the century london (and colorado springs) is so much more than it appears. every magic trick has three parts - the turn, the pledge, and the prestige. in its brilliance, so does this film. it follows two magicians who dedicate their lives to topping (and toppling) the other following a tragic accident in their younger days. we follow these magicians as they pursue their craft with an unhealthy obsession, costing their personal lives in the process and pursuit of fame and glory. when Bale comes up with "the best magic trick anyone's ever seen", Jackman will stop at nothing to discover and duplicate the technique - even employing Nicola Tesla (David Bowie - in a brilliant turn). I really can't say enough about the actors involved. Bale, Caine, Jackman, the underrated ScoJo, Andy "Gollum" Serkis and David Bowie all bring the goods. I shouldn't even need to mention the filmmaking - it is Chris Nolan we're talking about - one of the very best working today. While, like most films with a twist, this one isn't as necessarily fun to watch and re-watch as others on the list, it certainly is a superb little piece of filmmaking, and, i dare say, Nolan's best film starring Christian Bale and Michael Caine.
12 The Pianist (2002)

despite being more famous for banging a 13 year old girl, roman polanski is a master filmmaker with a career spanning more than 5 decades, including this gem, one of the truly great holocaust films, bringing what is often portrayed as a macro phenomenon down to a human scale, not through a hero or truly stand up guy, but just a regular man who happens to be an accomplished concert pianist. we see the polish holocaust, warsaw ghetto, and famous, albeit ultimately failed warsaw uprising through adrian brody's (in a much deserving oscar winning role) eyes. one of the true horrors of human history is presented in a very personal, realistic, and often shocking way. there is a scene towards the end of the film where the titular character is forced to play for his life by a german officer - and it just serves to illustrate the shared humanity of us all - and the role of art and beauty in that humanity, even in the darkest times. this is one of those films that causes me to just sit in darkness, staring off into the middle distance, for about 45 minutes after its over - just soaking up what i've just experienced, and that's a powerful thing.
11 There Will Be Blood (2007)

the sheer audacity of this one is astounding. it really, truly blows me away that anyone let PT Anderson and Daniel Day Lewis make this one. it's about oil, but not really, it's about greed, but not really, it's about the human condition, but not really, it's about religion, but not really. a character study of a wholly fictional character from an upton sinclair novel, we are presented with one of the decade's true pleasures. absolutely gorgeous, wonderful filmmaking from one of film's biggest enigmas, PT Anderson, and a truly amazing performance from our greatest living actor. just watching a madman playing a truly obsessed madman - there's something so beautiful about that. Day-Lewis truly becomes Daniel Plainview - there's no glimpse of any other person in his eyes. This isn't a man playing a man - it's a man becoming a man, who will stop at nothing to get what he wants, despite the pile of wreckage he leaves in his wake. Plainview gives me the chills - he is pure, unadulterated greed and desire - not greed for financial success, but for recognition of his abilities as a businessman, one who won't compromise for anyone, and who will crush anyone who stands in his way. day-lewis gives THE best performance of the decade in this one - and if i could figure out what this film really MEANT, it'd be probably #3. as is, madness isn't ultimately as important as maybe i'd like.
oh, and this kid has been making me laugh all day:
i'm so happy you made the comment about there will be blood. "and if i could figure out what this film really MEANT..." that is EXACTLY how i feel about this movie. i loved it, but i don't know quite why. ddl was obviously phenomenal, the directing was beautiful, the soundtrack was incredible, etc... but the movie was so slooowwwwww. yet i enjoyed it thoroughly. i honestly don't get it. ps. ukele boy honestly makes me laugh out loud daily.
Year 2000 films better than Gladiator: O Brother Where Art Thou, Crouching Tiger, Hidden Dragon, American Psycho, Traffic, Requiem for a Dream, The Virgin Suicides, Ghost Dog: Way of the Samurai, etc., etc.
Every single one of those films is deeply flawed. If you really think Crouching Tiger, The Virgin Suicides and Traffic are better than Gladiator you should stop commenting on this blog and take a deep look at what's wrong with yourself.
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