Most biblical scholars believe that the biblical books of Revelations and Daniel, from which the vast majority of our textual support for the antichrist derive, are shrouded in metaphor and symbolism, and refer to signs and "beasts" not as literal beasts, but rather as abstract representations of future events. In addition, it's important to remember that in the Christian tradition, the antichrist is not a demonic figure like traditional depictions of Satan or other devils. Rather, he's a charismatic figure who will convince mankind that he is the true Christ prior to Christ's return. Here's what we do know about the antichrist, and how it relates to Tim Tebow.
• First, the antichrist will be associated with the number 666. Whether this is a marking directly on his body or whether its his abstract "mark" is less certain. Consider this. Tim Tebow has worn the jersey number 15 in high school, college and now the pros. 1+5 = 6. 15 in HS, 15 in College, 15 in the Pros. Lay all three jerseys next to each other and what do you get? Three 6's. [Rev 13]
• The antichrist is "gifted with a mouth that can speak great and convincing things". Tebow is renowned for his impact on all he meets. Listen to Verne Lunquist pontificate on his quality of character sometime, or witness snake oil salesperson Urban Meyer break down like a schoolgirl when speaking on the impact Tebow has had on his family and himself to see that Tebow is certainly blessed (or cursed?) with this particular quality. In addition, let's not forget his mission trips to the Philippines. The Philippines are a CHRISTIAN (Catholic) nation.. so Tebow is preaching to and converting already baptized Christians. If that's not dangerously close to treading on God I don't know what is. [Rev 13]
• The antichrist performs "Great wonders" and "miracles" - as seen by Tebow's being a "miracle baby" as attested to by his mother, and his 5 come from behind victories this season, often in improbable and downright miraculous fashion. Indeed, the postgame fireworks following his improbable playoff victory vs. 12-4 Pittsburgh formed a halo in the sky above the stadium. [Rev 13]
• The antichrist will have a "powerful look - more stout than his fellows" and "fierce countenance". Check out that shirtless picture above or one of his runs to get an idea of his physicality, and this video should give you an idea of the fierceness of his countenance. [Dan 7]
• The antichrist will be "worshipped by many people" - Look no farther than this picture and this video to see Tebow's impact on people. See also: NFL.com posting pictures of what Tebow and X's (including: Oprah Winfrey, Michelle Bachmann, and other notables) baby would look like. Yes, NFL.com did this. Seriously. [Rev 13]
• The antichrist will "survive a deadly wound" - Tebow famously was a product of a difficult pregnancy as a so-called "miracle baby" (seriously) -
oh, and there's this hit:
[Rev 13]
• The antichrist will "show no regard for the desire of women" - Tebow is famously (or claims to be) a virgin, despite having been a star football player his entire life and despite the undoubtedly constant propositions of nubile young women from Florida to Denver. [Dan 11]

Now, I'm not saying that Tim Tebow most definitely IS the antichrist, I'm just saying that: 1.) The History Channel has made entire specials using significantly less evidence than I just displayed, and 2.) Is it so crazy that a nearly maniacally religious home schooled kid from Florida may not be all that he seems? Is it? I think these are questions worth asking. Consider me now terrified that the antichrist is indeed among us, and Skip Bayless and Verne Lundquist lead us readily to our doom. Elway, always the stalwart defender of all that is right and good, tried to hold out as long as humanly possible, but was unable to resist the rising tide of the black covenant streaming from Bristol, CT. Guard yourselves against the coming doom..
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