AM: Bigger turnoff on a first date: A) You see your date pick her nose and eat it, or B) It comes out in conversation that she is a rabid Wolverines fan? Has a or rivals subscription to follow recruiting and refers to "Ohio" rabid. (note the food was taking forever to get there if that at all excuses the booger eatin')

First, both of these are gross.. so let's determine the circumstances that make each of these more or less gross. If she's from Ohio and didn't attend (sc)UM (or have a close family connection to the school) it's definitely the "M*chigcan fan" option.* Unacceptable treachery there. Liking scUM and being from Ohio may be the single most undesirable character trait I can think of.. unless you actually attended scUM of course. So let's assume that she is not from Ohio and or is from Ohio and did attend scUM. If she's from Michigan and roots for M*chigan.. I can live with that. She clearly possesses traits like loyalty and pride which are crucial in a potential romantic partner. We probably won't get along at all during football season, but if this first date was from mid January-July we'll more than likely to be fine.. provided I can logic her out of that "Ohio" nonsense. I've converted vegetarians before.. so that shouldn't be too much of a problem, particularly when one considers how stupid the "Ohio" thing is. And really, in light of what happened in the NCAA tournament, even the human garbage disposal known as Brady Hoke should be embarrassed about the "Ohio" thing at this point. But what am I saying? Expecting anything other than binge eating out of him is like waiting for the tooth fairy. I can accept and in fact appreciate genuine fandom, provided it's born of actual legitimate and non-treasonous impulses. But let's take a second to talk about this snot eating.. what kind of snot/booger/discharge is it? Giant or tiny? Slimy? Is she trying to hide it or does she just up and bust it out like she's never left the house before? If she's doing it in a manner in which she thinks I can't see it.. not a deal-breaker. Pretty gross, to be certain, and I'd have to observe the rest of her behavior to ensure she doesn't have some sort of greater issue going on.. but I'll take that over most M*chigan fans. (Excepting only M*chigan fans that actually went to scUM or are from Michigan or have a personal/family connection with the school) If, however, it's a big/slimy bastard and/or she makes no effort to hide it.. that is more disgusting than all passionate M*chigan fans EXCEPT for blatantly treasonous ones.. i.e., those that are from Ohio, have no personal connection to scUM and just root for M*chigan to be contrarian. I would take a blatant nose picker over a traitor to the motherland. Although lets be honest about something, I would in no way bang either one of them. Under no circumstances.
So, in summation: passionate scUM fan from Michigan or a scUM alum > M*chigan fan from elsewhere around the country who picked scUM for a legitimate reason (i.e., brother/parents went to UM) > subtle nose picker/eater > passionate scUM fan NOT from Ohio > Gross nose picker/eater > Benedict Arnold (at least he was an accomplished General who was arguably wronged and disrespected..) > passionate scUM fan from Ohio with no connection to the school. Uncertain if passionate scUM fan NOT from Ohio with no discernible connection to scUM would have any possibility of a romantic coupling. Gross nose picker/eater and passionate scUM fan from Ohio with no connection to school certainly have no possibility.
*and I don't want to hear the "but my family likes M*chigan" excuse.. that just means your parents had undesirable traits that you yourself DECIDED to carry on. We are human beings blessed with the gift of sentience.. the sins of the father are not those of ourselves. If they were, we'd still be burning witches at the stake and what not. Some brave generation took a stand. Be that generation, Ohioans.
ND: At what minimum age could five children working together successfully kick a grown man's ass?
To make this question answer-able, let's assume healthy, average sized participants. I'm going to take 25 as the age for the full-grown man, as that should be considered in everyone's physical prime. The average height and weight of a 25 year old American man (according to various websites I found that of are varying dubious quality) is around 5'10 and 180 lbs. At age 14, the average US boy is 5'4", 110 lbs. At 13: 5'1, 96 lbs. At 12: 4'10, 84 lbs. 11: 4'9, 77 lbs. 10: 4'6", 70 lbs. I don't feel there's any point in going farther down than that. Let's assume no badassery of any kind, karate training, weapons, etc., just totally average kids and an average adult. I think it's safe to assume that 10 and 11 year olds are simply too small to inflict enough damage to successfully kick the ass of a grown man. By age 12, we're looking at 85 lbs and just shy of 5'.. we're getting closer, but I'd still say too small. You'd have to assume that one or two of the kids would get smashed before they could execute the bum rush maneuver that would be the fastest and easiest route to victory. By age 13, your average American boy is 5'1 and close to 100 lbs.. that's basically the size of tiny grown women. I say at this age and size, kicking the asses for the adult male is going to involve significant expenditure of energy to the point where the dude is going to be exhausted, especially if the kids work together to evade him. Wolves take down large prey in this manner.. working it to exhaustion and then pouncing. Plus, at 96 lbs, a bum rush tactic would most likely be successful, as they have enough size to possibly inflict damage and we're talking about nearly 500 total lbs of opponent. So my final answer is: no doubt about it at age 13.. I'd like to see the 12 year olds vs the adult. Depending on how clever the 12 year olds are, they may just pull it off.
GH: I think there should be an annual Oscar category for "best trailer", in light of that, what are your 3 best/favorite movie trailers of all time?
You know I LOVE movie trailers. Making strong movie trailers is an art in and of itself.. and a good trailer can propel a movie to greatness or utterly sink the flick. A good trailer should give you a solid idea of what the movie's all about without spoiling too much of the plot and/or the really cool scenes. It should have a flow and a certain narrative of its own.. be compelling to watch independently of what the final film itself may turn out to be. In addition, a solid song never hurt anything. So with that being said, let's check out my top 3 movie trailers of all time:
"300", 2007. This trailer is probably better than the movie itself.. not that there's anything in particular wrong with the movie, it is what it is, but this trailer boils down everything awesome aboutit to one little 150 second burst of badassery. Plus... Nine Inch Nails ftw.
"Terminator Salvation", 2009. The connection isn't just NIN, even though this usage of NIN is probably better than even 300's use. This trailer is no-doubt better than the movie, and is undeniably badass. Granted, I like "Terminator Salvation", it is significantly better than its reputation suggests, but this trailer suggests greatness, which TS did not approach. Oh well, still a lot of fun to watch.
"The Social Network", 2010. Oddly enough, Trent Reznor is involved in the score to this flick but not the music for the trailer.. a little reversal there. Yes, this trailer is great.. and it succinctly sums up why this is a movie you'd actually want to watch and why.. as opposed to the idea of "a facebook movie".. which sounds kind of crappy. Perfect music, perfect tone, perfect pacing.. great trailer.
Honorable mentions: Alien (1979), Inception (2010), The Dark Knight (2008)
The award for top trailer of 2012 goes to Prometheus' 2nd trailer: ... SOOOOOOO badass.
AG: What's the Grammy for best Fotown song: Robbie rocks the -- , Randy Rock, or Eddie Frias -- his Pants on the Floor?
This is a SERIOUSLY inside Fotown question, but I love it. Robbie still owes me a shot of Jager that I'm no longer physically capable of doing do to the events of "Robbie rocks the [rooster]" (set to N'Sync's "Pop") night. All of these songs are classics, with "Eddie Frias _____ his pants on the floor" (set to David Banner's "Like a pimp") in fact being due to a case of mistaken identity, and "Randy Rock" (set to Ludacris' "Stick Em Up") actually being enjoyed by a certain staff member. "Robbie rocks the [rooster]" led to friend infighting and man tears, so not that one. My final answer is "Randy Rock".. simply because it's so damn catchy. Even Mary S. couldn't resist. The Grammy for best Fotown song goes to "Randy Rock".
LB: I've been watching the mini series, "The Kennedys" and it got me thinking. If you could have been born into any American "Royal Family" (Kennedy, Rockefeller, Vanderbilt, etc.), which would you choose and why?
Good question. First, it wouldn't be the Kennedys. While I'm not a superstitious type myself there's no denying that the Kennedy clan does seem to be beset by some odd and downright unlucky occurences. Some would say due to the sins of the father and so on, but I'm not sure I buy that. First, Joe Kennedy Jr. dies in a freak experimental test flight in WW2 (he also had a sister who underwent an involuntary lobotomy). Second, JFK gets assassinated in an event so crazy that many consider it to be unsolved (JFK also had a stillborn daughter and a son who died in infancy). Third, RFK, taking up his brother's mantle, is assassinated by an insane Jordanian nationalist. Ted Kennedy then drove his car off a bridge, resulting in the drowning death of his passenger at Chappaquiddick. Michael died in a ski accident, David Kennedy ODed on cocaine, JFK Jr. died in a freak plane crash? No thank you. Plus the complete lack of annonymity. Being rich isn't cool unless you can enjoy it. No one wants to be bothered.
Being rich is a qualifier, which is why the Vanderbilts are also out. They gave away all of their fortune and are no longer an American institution.
My finalists are the Rockefellers and the Waltons, of Wal Mart fame. The Waltons are worth an estimated $93 billion dollars. On the other hand, the Rockefellers have their hands in innumerable business and political interests, most prominently JP Morgan Chase. I think I'm going to pick the Rockefellers... just b/c Wal Mart kind of sucks.
If Jeff Bezos would like to take me under his wing though, count me in.