Cindy and Dean are a young-ish married couple.. working class, with a school age daughter. The actual narrative of the film occurs over a Friday and Saturday, but through the use of flashbacks intercut with the actual narrative, you're given glimpses of how they got together while seeing how they're falling apart. That narrative device is incredibly effective and all the more heart-breaking. Seeing Dean and Cindy young and happy is all the more glaring after you've seen them struggling and worn down. There's nothing special about these two.. they could be a working class couple in any town in mid-America.. they work, they fight, they try to get on..
This film is tiny in scope. Outside of Dean and Cindy there are about 4 characters.. Cindy's parents and ex boyfriend, a co-worker of Dean's... and that's about it. The film is shot very close to give it a home-video feel and you can't help but to be charmed and drawn in by these two pretty young people and have your heart broken along with theirs. In seeing Cindy and Dean's highest highs and lowest lows you're taken on an emotional roller coaster along with these two kids who once had something special and now don't. We follow them from their first meeting, a chance encounter, to the day it becomes clear their marriage is over.. a period of 6 years or so.. and by skipping back and forth in time we see what they had.. as it's contrasted with what they didn't and don't today.
This film reminds me a lot of Revolutionary Road.. only instead of being more of a parable for our society it's an intimate tale of an individual couple. Ultimately the lesson is the same.. marriage between people who are ultimately wrong for each other is devastating. Here, Dean remains static.. a child of sorts, while Cindy wants more.. she wants better. Who's right depends on your point of view.. but I do know that this one completely broke my heart.. and contained moments of pure joy at the same time.. and there's something magical about a film that can tug on your heartstrings like that. It's not always easy or enjoyable to watch.. but it's a hell of a film. Gosling is a star.