Now I know a top 10 is more fun for everyone involved, but unfortunately, I couldn't decide between numbers 10 and 11, so therefore, we've got a bonus top 11 - how fun!
11. Jonah Hex

10. The A-Team
Now ordinarily, a cheeseball 80's remix like this would have me rolling my eyes in sarcastic "who-gives-a-shit"-ness. (Seriously, ask me how many times I saw G.I. Joe... the answer rhymes with "nero") But then they got Liam Neeson on board and cast my boy Bradley Cooper. Now I'm paying attention. I'm always game for a fun action movie... (if it's well made and well-acted), and the trailer looks kind of fun - it looks like they've got the right tone going on. I'm not going to say I'm seeing it opening night - but as long as it scores at least a 30% on Rotten Tomatoes, I'm seeing it. Oh, and if you ask me, the Rampage Jackson as B.A. casting was inspired. The A-Team opens June 11.
9. The Expendables
Stallone. Statham. Li. Rourke. Lundgren. Steve Austin. Randy Couture. Bruce Willis. The Governator. What more do you need to know? They don't really make old school fun action movies anymore, and consider me "cautiously enthusiastic" for this one. Check out that trailer.. how will it not be a blast? Rambo IV was secretly awesome, and the fact that this movie appears to have been conceived by Mac from Always Sunny is one more thing in its favor. I guarantee this one will make you feel like a man, and it will probably be a fun late night DVD watch for years to come. Is it going to be Oscar-worthy? Of course not.. but it can (and probably will) certainly be fun, and the $10 at the movie theater is cheaper than any other similar 2 hours you're going to have. So count me in. The Expendables will be released August 13.
8. Splice
Count me as an enthusiastic supporter of sci-fi in all of its various incarnations. This is a good old fashioned ethics discussion in the guise of a monster movie. A pair of genetic scientists experimenting with gene slicing decide to add human DNA to the mix - with predictably awful results. I keep hearing good things about this one, and am really looking forward to it. I think the trailer really says it all. Splice is due to be released on June 4.
7. The Other Guys
Will Ferrell's star has been fading as of late, and he's in desperate need of a hit. Count me among those hoping that this is it - and re-uniting with the director of Anchorman and a perfect cast like this could be just what the doctor ordered. That trailer made me LOL a couple of times, and the only reason I'm ranking this one this far down the list is just to temper expectations. Wahlberg has shown comedic chops from time to time, and Sam L. and the Rock are PERFECT as the badass super cops they appear to have been cast as here. I expect that this one will be a good time. Come on Will, we're rooting for you. The Other Guys opens August 6.
6. Knight and Day
Tom Cruise was once the biggest movie star on the planet - and this could be the movie that finally reminds people of why that is. He can be incredibly charming and funny when he wants to be. Cameron Diaz is one of the more likable female leads out there - throw in James Mangold, the director of 3:10 to Yuma and Walk the Line, and Peter Sarsgaard, and count me in. Despite the unfortunate use of Muse in the trailer, there's a solid chance this one will be a rip-roaring good time. This appears to be an old school 90's style tongue-in-cheek action flick - a genre that's particularly near and dear to my heart. I'm officially rooting for Tom Cruise, oddball dwarf that he is. Knight and Day is released June 25.
5. Predators
The first Predator film, for all the failings of its various sequels and incarnations/crossovers, was a badass action/horror classic. This film appears to be returning to those roots, and I am extremely excited about that. A group of humans, all deadly killers in their own right, are dropped on a planet that serves as a game preserve for Predators, and hunted. The return to the jungle needed to happen, as the Predator was much more effective in the jungle than he ever was in urban environments. The cast, while unorthodox, has promise, and talent in spades, between Adrian Brody, Lawrence Fishbourne, Danny Trejo and others - if you ask me, it's a better idea to go in a different direction with the cast than try to match the original's musclebound collection of badasses. Predators opens July 9.
4. Get Him to the Greek
A few years back, Forgetting Sarah Marshall was a surprise for me, and in my book, ranks right up there with the best of the Apatow family of films. Now, the director reunites with Russell Brand and Jonah Hill, who reprise their roles from Sarah Marshall, to make what I hope will be the best comedy of the summer. Jonah Hill has 72 hours to get wild man Russell Brand from London to LA. Hijinks ensue.. count me in. Get Him to the Greek opens June 4.
3. Robin Hood
Robin Hood gets a much-needed update and revision, considering his last bigscreen treatment was the nonsensical "Prince of Thieves", in which Kevin Costner decided it was necessary to pretend that Robin Hood was from Missouri. Ridley Scott and Russell Crowe, also known as the powers that brought you "Gladiator", have reunited to bring a legendary figure to life, with a little updating and revision along the way. This is not the prankster thief of legend.. this is a full on rebel leader. Epic battles, grandiose spectacle and unbridled heroism will ensue. Count me in. Russ Crowe finally realized that he's best as a badass. Cate Blanchette as maid Marion? Awesome. The extremely underrated Marc Strong (Archie from "Rock N Rolla") as the sheriff? Awesome. In many summers, this one would be #1 on the list, but a couple of arrivals at the top make this not your average summer. Robin Hood opens May 14, and I'll be there May 14.
2. Iron Man 2
The first Iron Man was one of the all-time movie surprises. A relatively minor figure in Marvel's pantheon of heroes becomes one of the biggest films of all time. This is truly a testament to the talent involved. Favreau is more than competent behind the camera, Downey is truly immaculate as Tony Stark (I remember saying when I found out he was cast initially that he was truly perfect for the part), and the supporting players are all great. This remains the case even after Terrence Howard is replaced by Don Cheadle, as IM2 adds Mickey Rourke as the Russian whiplash, Scarlett Johannson as Black Widow, and Sam Rockwell as a rival arms manufacturer who wishes to hijack the Iron Man technology. (In case you're wondering, people trying to steal the Iron Man technology consists of about 92% of all Iron Man stories) Oh, how could I forget - War Machine (one of the biggest badasses in all of Marvel) makes his initial appearance as Rhodey dons the armor to help out his pal. I'll be there opening night, maybe even at midnight. Iron Man 2 opens May 7. Get there early, there's talk that this one might break TDK's opening weekend haul.
1. Inception
Chris Nolan is one of the few filmmakers about whom I can honestly say I'll see anything they make, no matter what. That, and the fact that he's teamed with my boy Leo for this one, make this the unquestioned number 1 of Summer 2010, despite the fact that I know very, very little about this secretive film. I do know that Leo's character is a new generation of Corporate spy in the near future who uses technology to go into people's minds in an effort to steal the contents of their minds. Other than that - I know nothing, except that this film will be stellar narratively, look amazing, and offer a whole hell of a lot more than your average summer blockbuster. Inception opens July 16, and I'll see you there.