so ok, ok, let's start this out with a little disclaimer, due to something i'll be talking about a little further on in this post... namely: the "gotcha" effect. yes, this is a blog, and yes, "feelings" have occasionally been touched on here, but really, i'm not talking about a sentence here or there, this whole section is referring to de facto diaries.
blogs, tv, and so on. so what is it about people today that makes a significant segment of the population think/feel that ANYONE else cares about EVERYTHING that's going on in their lives? it's fucking bizarre. like, this little blog or whatever i've got going is mainly just to bitch and let you know how i feel about things (given that i post approx. once every 2 months, it's not really that big of a deal) and maybe make a few people chuckle or at least smile to themselves every now and again. i'm talking about the de facto diaries that are out there. really... what are you thinking? are you really accomplishing anything by spilling all of your dirty laundry out there for the world to see? you do realize that this is the internet, correct? like, just because you're typing it in the privacy of your home/office doesn't make it private, this nonsense can be accessed from literally anywhere on the planet and will remain there as long as the internet exists. we've all seen them, the blogs that consist of 3 posts a week of nonsensical drivel about this or that relationship or this or that fight or this or that friend that did or did not do what this person wanted them to do. jesus christ... are you fucking kidding me? how crazy are you to want to broadcast to the world just how unstable you actually are? whatever happened to shame and/or modesty? something strange happened and i'm not sure exactly when it happened, but if there was a way someone could bottle it back up, that'd be great. people used to be modest and reserved and ashamed of the crazy shit they were thinking/thought and keep it to themselves without sharing with the world all of the nonsensical shit going through their slightly functioning skulls. all of a sudden it became acceptable for everyone to share every single thing about themselves to all of the world. if you're having guy/girl problems... why're you telling the world about it? is that going to help solve those problems? um, i'm going to go with no... b/c anyone new is going to be scared off by how batshit crazy you are, and whoever you're having problems with is going to be pissed that you're spilling his/her shit all over the web. if you really want to fix those problems, pick up the phone or grab a friend and talk it out... b/c NO ONE GIVES A FLYING FUCK what you have to say. really, i think i figured it out... and i'm going to blame our parents' generation once again. it all goes back to this whole philosophy of everyone being "special" and having equal worth and everyone deserving recognition and blah blah blah. no, that's all fucking bullshit. and we're living now with the consequences, witness maury and jerry springer and judge judy and "cheaters" and every show on MTV/VH1 and every other display of the decay of civilization. the powers that be behind education decided that everyone deserved to be recognized and told of their worth, no matter how plain and stupid and worthless whatever they were doing really was. i mean, if you're a shitty painter, shouldn't you be told so so you can focus on something that you might actually be good at? -- of course, right? well why doesn't the same concept apply to everything else? why are these crummy ass writers and fucking batshit crazy dramatists permitted and encouraged to share whats going on with them with the rest of the world? lets look at what's going on: 1.) blogging: allowing endless drivel about completely worthless shit by anyone with the willpower to put forth a little effort to sit around and type about the nonsense going through their half-empty brains. 2.) social networking sites: once again, encouraging people to spill all of their personal shit with the world, as if it was important to anyone at all and really bettered anyone's day by seeing your fucking status: "hard day today". uhh... news flash, no one gives a fuck, at all. if you want to keep a diary, keep a fucking diary, the old, anne-frank style. that's not what the fucking internet is for, and you're only embarrassing yourself and all those associated with you. i mean really, this is on the extreme end, but the example applies, take a look at the maury show sometime. there are just the worst of the worst on there, the utter dregs of society that deserve nothing more than our pity, and they're fucking proud. i mean, people who don't know who their baby daddy is, people who are banging their wife's sister, i mean, you name it. the type of shit that you should take to their grave, not parade around on tv. why are they proud do you ask? b/c they've been encouraged to share everything going on with them every step of the way. that's what reality tv is completely based on, and its taken over everything. how fucking terrifying.
now, to continue on with how fucking stupid the world and all of its residents are, i'll continue with another favorite activity of an increasingly dumbed-down populace, and that's the "gotcha". everyone's so fucking self-absorbed now that those individuals that aren't completely debauched and functioning retards and may actually have a shred of intelligence are obsessed with proving to everyone how fucking smart they are by trying to prove everyone wrong. for instance, lets say i put some statistics or something in this post. you'd better believe that some smug asshole somewhere (assuming anyone actually read/reads this blog) will be looking some shit up trying to "get me" and prove his utter superiority. check out the "comments" section of a website sometime. what is it packed with? smug assholes trying to prove how fucking smart they are. it's the exact same thing as the blogging thing. listen joker, this person has a website or column or whatever, you do not, do you really think they're evaluating your 3 page fucking critique and supposed refutation of everything you said and considering it point by point? no, of course they're not, b/c you're basically masturbating onto a website by trying to prove how fucking superior you are. listen, chances are that if you weren't a talentless hack, you'd probably have a column of your own, since you obviously have a lot invested into that nonsense, so just accept the fact that you don't know everything and shut the fuck up about it. i mean, its ridiculous the standards we've created for ourselves. everything has to be perfect at the same time that everything is being incredibly dumbed down b/c of broader participation in everything. of course there are mistakes and generalizations in this or that article, the author was one individual with limited knowledge. we can't expect every person to be 100% authoritative about everything they ever say. i noticed this trend during the presidential campaign... guess what dipshits? if you're on the job, you don't need an encyclopedic knowledge of everything b/c you can look it up or ask someone who might know. this "everyone's a critic" shit just needs to stop. listen, no one cares what you have to say, about anything. whether its your feelings, or your disagreement with a sports/news columnist or whatever. just do what normal people have always done and complain about it to your friends if you have a gripe with it and leave it at that.
oh wait... there's the heart of the issue... no one has fucking friends anymore. technology has made us a society of quasi-strangers. i mean, we're associated and acquainted with people, but how many do you really honestly know? the internet, cell phones, tv, whatever, have all made it easier and easier to distract and distance ourselves, so we can avoid dealing with actual people and deal with shit we're comfortable with instead. the blog is not your friend. it's a public fucking forum. go get a friend and buy a notebook at the grocery store for $2 and have at it, really. it's infinitely classier. b/c lets be honest... lets say we had two girls i was interested in who were otherwise identically attractive to me but one had a blog where she bitched about guys and this and that personal nonsense and the other felt the same things, but kept it to herself like a normal person. which do you think i would be INFINITELY more attracted to? (and probably 99.9999% of all other guys) that's right, the one who kept her insanity to herself. personal shit should be just that, personal. not broadcast across the internet to anyone you casually know.
something else that makes you suck as a person:
- getting offended. what in the fuck is the point, honestly? i have never, and will never, understand people that get offended on behalf of other people. like, it's one thing if i call you a fucking idiot and you get a little upset b/c you don't like that. fine, fair enough, understandable. what i'll never understand is, lets say i say someone is "retarded" or whatever. and someone gets offended b/c "retard" is offensive to people who have learning/developmental disabilities or whatever. i mean, really? come the fuck on and lighten the fuck up. who decided that you got to defend this or that group just b/c you read some article or took some class or whatever? don't you have enough to worry about without appointing yourself arbiter and determinant of what is appropriate and what is not? just a thought, but you'll probably enjoy your life a hell of a lot more if you stop being such a lame person.
a little something about the economy: i realized i haven't posted since all of this shit went down and the global financial sector pulled a tom petty and went free-fallin... and all i've got to say is, is anyone really surprised? i mean, it blows my mind when people act fucking shocked over something that people have known about for a long fucking time. i graduated college in 2006 and recall reading articles referring to the "real estate bubble" in 2003 and 2004. what did you think was going to happen? explosive growth in home values indefinitely? i mean come on. so i don't feel sorry for anyone, honestly. i don't feel sorry for banks that lost their asses, b/c you were gambling and lending money to people who you knew could afford that house, and i don't feel sorry for homeowners who overpaid for houses based on the belief that the market would continue upwards. listen, if you're playing blackjack, and you're hot, does anyone feel sorry for you when you stop hitting and start losing? of course they don't, b/c you're gambling and knew what you were getting into. i fail to see how speculating on real estate prices was any different. if you bought a house expecting to pay for the house with the increasing value of the house... well then, you're pretty fucking stupid and deserve to lose your ass. honestly, what the world is missing is a little fucking personal responsibility. everyone's crying about this or that wrong or this or that slight but really, how much of it was your fault? look in the mirror. the same shit is going to happen soon with credit card debt (which they've also been talking about since the early 2000's). if you are paying for a lifestyle you can't afford with credit cards... i don't feel sorry for you. i'm sorry, but i don't. guess you shouldn't have bought that flat screen on an 18% interest rate. whoops. i'm not saying that the government shouldn't help anyone or whatever, but what i am saying is what this country needs is a little less whining and hang-wringing and a little more accountability by those responsible. everyone from congressmen to buyers to lenders to you name it. but at the same time... all of the hysteria needs to calm the fuck down. was the stock market overvalued along with commodities and most other markets? absolutely. however, what is fundamentally different now about the american economy than 6 months ago? the answer, other than the housing "bubble"... NOTHING. so chill the fuck out, stop acting like it's the great depression 2 and stop taking everything the media says at face value. this is the same media who called the iraq war vietnam 2. (if you're keeping track at home, iraq war: 5 years, approx. 5,000 american dead, vietnam war: 8 years, approx. 65,000 american dead). at the height of the vietnam war there were 600,000 troops in country and hundreds were dying a week. my point is that the media is sensationalist... think about it, what sells, the plain, boring truth or the dressed up crazy truth? lets be honest now. and when you answer, consider that the median IQ in this country is 100. (yes, half the population = double-digit IQs).
movie notes: i saw valkyrie the other day... and was pleasantly surprised. yes, tom cruise is a crazy SOB, but he's an underrated actor, and the film was really well done. anytime you can pull off a suspense film when everyone in the theater is 100% aware of how the thing ends, you've done a good job. if you check it out, you won't be disappointed.
LOST and BSG start back up really fucking soon... get exited!
i guess this has kind of been a negative post... but hey, you'll have that. and i am truly convinced that our society is on the fast track to disaster.